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The Power of the Non-Existent Customer Complaint

“We never get any complaints about that.” This notion is one of the most aggravating statements I hear from business leaders. In many cases, customers don’t take the time to complain. Rather than tell you that they didn’t like their experience, they simply leave and do not come back. Hence the term: the non-existent customer…

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The Power of the Well-Orchestrated Existential Crisis

Why are we here? Why do we exist? These are the questions of the existential crisis. Many people and organizations avoid these questions because they can be scary to confront. We fear spiraling into despair, lack of meaning, or irrelevance. It is much more comfortable to cruise along in the status quo, oblivious to these…

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The Power of Skip-Level Listening

I’m working with a finance organization to help them create the culture and capacity to be trusted business partners. The organization supports several diverse business units and consists of a VP, directors, managers, and staff. Their vision is to grow well beyond the traditional role of finance to be true partners leading and supporting the…