Are You Ready to Lead the “Next Evolution”?

Are You Ready to Lead the “Next Evolution”?

If you are a leader, “What’s next?” is what people want to know from you. People are looking to you – not necessarily for the specific answer, but to set a direction and agenda. Whether and how you prepare yourself to lead “what’s next” makes a huge difference in your effectiveness as a leader. You…

The Main Reason NOT To Do Monthly Business Reviews

The Main Reason NOT To Do Monthly Business Reviews

In one of my most popular posts (in terms of incoming search traffic), I described how to conduct high value monthly business reviews (MBRs).  In my experience working with many companies, MBRs are the simplest and fastest way to improve clarity, accountability and performance.  If you are not conducting MBRs now, I highly recommend implementing…

How Do You Identify an Opportunity and Build a Brand Around It?

Executive leadership is all about communication. The effective executive must communicate strategically, clearly, and powerfully in order to lead. So in my coaching sessions with executive clients, we frequently work on the client’s upcoming opportunities to communicate – whether it is a speech to a large audience, a critical team meeting, or a high stakes…

Why Do Vultures Exist?  Let’s Look at Private Equity Firms and Executive Leadership

Why Do Vultures Exist? Let’s Look at Private Equity Firms and Executive Leadership

Over the past week, much attention in the political media has focused on Mitt Romney’s role at Bain Capital, a private equity firm. Opponents have characterized Bain and other private equity firms as “vultures.” Politics aside, why do vultures exist? And what are the lessons for leaders? Vultures, while perhaps grotesque, serve a vital purpose…