
The Power of the Big “A” Agenda and the little “a” agenda

What’s the difference between a Big A Agenda and a little a agenda? How do you use both as a leader? If your leadership team is not working as effectively as you’d like, one place to look is the effectiveness of your meetings. And to have effective meetings, you need to have a good agenda….

Are You Ready to Lead the “Next Evolution”?

Are You Ready to Lead the “Next Evolution”?

If you are a leader, “What’s next?” is what people want to know from you. People are looking to you – not necessarily for the specific answer, but to set a direction and agenda. Whether and how you prepare yourself to lead “what’s next” makes a huge difference in your effectiveness as a leader. You…

Are Your Enrollment Conversations Too Pleasant?

One of Steve Chandler’s 18 Disciplines for enrolling coaching clients is to “sell the experience, not the concept.” Rather than abstractly describe what you do, actually do it so that the client’s decision is to “continue, not to start.” Our enrollment conversations are likely the first substantial experience our potential clients have with us. Of…