The Power of a Serious Proposal

Have you heard or perhaps said any of these statements recently? “I have a general idea of what I want, but I’m not exactly sure.” “I’m not sure if my boss/partner/organization/customer would go for that idea.” “I am really frustrated by the lack of clarity in my role/job/relationship/organization.” “I have a really cool idea/dream/possibility –…

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The Power of the Onion

I frequently hear a complaint from leaders that people within their organizations are resistant to change. Where does this resistance come from and how do we deal with it as leaders?   While a certain amount of resistance is human nature, purchase priligy online no prescription I submit that quite often leaders create their own resistance!…

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The Power of the Non-Existent Customer Complaint

“We never get any complaints about that.” This notion is one of the most aggravating statements I hear from business leaders. In many cases, customers don’t take the time to complain. Rather than tell you that they didn’t like their experience, they simply leave and do not come back. Hence the term: the non-existent customer…