Ep #23: Zone of Genius

An important part of your company’s strategy is to figure out what it is that you’re the best at, what the market wants or need and how those two things intersect. That process creates an opportunity for a successful business. A part of your job as an entrepreneurial CEO is to continually look at the…

Ep #22: The Karma of Value

This week on the show, your host, Ron Wilder, shares an interesting concept that might make you, as an entrepreneurial CEO, think differently about your business strategy, how you spend your time, your effectiveness in sales situations, and how your company is presented in the marketplace. This concept is called “The Karma of Value”. Tune…

Ep #21: The Self-Concept

When we talk about making quantum leaps in growth and profitability of your business, one of the most important factors that needs to be addressed is the self-concept. Self-concept has huge implications for you as a leader of a company and the company itself.  It is directly related to how your company is positioned and…

Ep #19: Leading Transformation at Scale

In previous episodes, we’ve talked about the distinction between the additive and transformative growth and the big opportunities as the entrepreneurial CEO. One major challenge that people run up against when planning on creating a new business is not knowing what to do about their current business. On this episode, Ron Wilder explains what you need…