Seize Your Opportunity
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Seize Your Opportunity

Opportunity is all around you. I believe that opportunity is everywhere at all times. Every moment presents opportunity to grow and create. What do you want to create? More prosperity? Stronger, healthier relationships? New business? It’s all right here, right now. Yet very often people don’t see the opportunities right in front of them. Why…

Why Do Vultures Exist?  Let’s Look at Private Equity Firms and Executive Leadership

Why Do Vultures Exist? Let’s Look at Private Equity Firms and Executive Leadership

Over the past week, much attention in the political media has focused on Mitt Romney’s role at Bain Capital, a private equity firm. Opponents have characterized Bain and other private equity firms as “vultures.” Politics aside, why do vultures exist? And what are the lessons for leaders? Vultures, while perhaps grotesque, serve a vital purpose…

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The Power of the Onion

I frequently hear a complaint from leaders that people within their organizations are resistant to change. Where does this resistance come from and how do we deal with it as leaders?   While a certain amount of resistance is human nature, purchase priligy online no prescription I submit that quite often leaders create their own resistance!…